About Us

With a proud history dating back to 1917, Lonsdale has always been known as a renowned provider of quality products.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our office solutions division. Our mission is to support our customers in providing goods and services for the office and workplace. Whether this is office products, furniture or facilities supplies, Lonsdale are well placed to provide competitive and sustainable solutions. Our partnership with UKOS, allows us to offer a wide range of innovative solutions for the modern workplace.

Our customer base is wide and varied, and located through the UK. What all of our customers have in common is they are experts in their field, and we are proud to support them in what they do. Each one is different and we tailor our offering to suit your individual needs

We’re Carbon Balanced.

As a carbon Balanced printer, working in partnership with the Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon scheme, Lonsdale are able to help you to balance the CO2 emissions from your paper purchases by planting native woodland, right here in the UK.  Find out more about Carbon Balancing:

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